Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tickets to the Orchestra

With the Christmas season drawing nearer, I had a chance to attend the Trans-Siberian Orchestra show this week at the Nassau coliseum. Luckily my friend Paul had an extra ticket, so he invited me to share in the holiday celebrations. Before we got in the building, we could tell something special was going to happen. A plethora of people filled the parking lot before the show to ensure they were there early enough to get in for a short rehearsal. Unfortunately we were late, and were unable to see this rehearsal. Despite this, Paul and I quickly found the way to our seats, stumbling over peoples legs in the audience. When the show started we were instantly transported to a winter wonderland. The show was incredible; the acoustics traveled well in the Coliseum. The climax of the show was a grand crescendo that ended with a brief snowfall on the audience. It was a splendid time!

Orchestra- A large band consisting of many instruments and players
Plethora- An over abundance
Stumbling- To trip over
Acoustics- Sound waves
Climax- The most exciting moment
*GRAMMAR POINT: Be sure you need a comma before you use one. Comma splicing will make your writing choppy and unable to read fluidly.
Exercise:  Matching Definitions
1.       Orchestra                            A. The sounds given off by instruments.
2.       Climax                                   B. To lose your footing.
3.       Acoustics                             C. To have more than enough of something.
4.       Plethora                               D. A large band.
5.       Stumbling                            E. The most exciting part.

A Presidential Holiday

Hello Students, its Mr. B again. Just here to update you about what I have been up to.  Today, a brisk but sunny day, I took a drive with some chums up to Sagamore Hill to celebrate Christmas with the Roosevelts with our knowledgeable friend who happens to be a park ranger; Yes, he is a park ranger.  When we arrived to the historic home of Teddy Roosevelt, I cannot describe the sights that I saw in upper Oyster Bay.  There were people dressed in late 19th/early 20th century garb, combined with the multitude of people scattered about the park that made it seem a lot more excited than the place looks.  As we were strolling up to the house to see out buddy, all of a sudden a man wearing hanging eyeglasses, a top hat, and sporting a thick mustache.  Unmistakably, Teddy Roosevelt was in our company instructing the trio of us on spending Christmas with our families, and then began inquiring about what strange clothing we were wearing. Teddy Roosevelt had given us a very interesting Christmas experience.
Knowledgeable- To be able to recall many pieces of useful information
Garb- Clothing of a certain time period
Strolling- Walking around leisurely
Scattered- Spaced out sparsely
Inquiring- to ask questions
*GRAMMAR POINT:  When showing possession remember to add the apostrophe between the last letter and the possessive ‘s’. exeception: The word ‘is’.
Exercise: Matching Synonyms
1.       Scattered                            A. Intellegent
2.       Garb                                      B. Meander
3.       Inquiring                              C. Spread out
4.       Knowledgeable                                D. Questioning
5.       Strolling                                E. Costume

Greetings from Paris!

Hello students. This week I’m checking in with you guys from the city of love. I am currently sitting in a quaint cafĂ© in the heart of Paris. It is the third day of my week long trip. I have visited many of the popular sites in Paris. The top of the Eiffel tower is quite possibly my favorite part of the trip thus far. The famous cathedral of Notre Dame was also an impressive sight. But I am partial to the delicious wine that comes hand in hand with nearly every meal. Tonight I look forward to a boat tour along the Seine River. I will get to see the spectacular light show that takes place at the Eiffel tower. It has to this point been a wonderful trip and I look forward to many more experiences such as the Louve and Orsay museum. I only hope that each of you may one day visit this wonderful city as well. But for now I bid thee adeui!

Quaint- Homely
Popular- Something liked by most
Cathedral- A large church
Partial- To favor
Spectacular- Wonderfully entertaining
*GRAMMAR POINT: When a word begins with a vowel, the article used is ‘an’. When a word begins with a consonant, the article used is ‘a’.
Exercise: Synonym Matching
1.       Quaint                  A. In favor
2.       Popular                                B. Awesome
3.       Cathedral            C. Warming
4.       Spectacular         D. Church
5.       Partial                   E. Favorite

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Students! This week we will be celebrating the American holiday of Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving happened in 1621 when the Plymouth Bay colony in Massachusetts celebrated the autumn harvest with their Native American brethren. Every year, on the second to last Thursday in November, Americans celebrate this day of thanks with family and friends. Although during the first Thanksgiving, lobsters were probably the food of choice, as they were abundant in the area, the traditional meal for Thanksgiving dinner is turkey. People also get creative when cooking Thanksgiving dinner though. A “tur-duck-in” is a chicken that is cooked inside a duck, that is cooked inside a turkey, and eaten all together. For my holiday, I traveled to my grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving. She always makes the most delicious dessert for me, chocolate pudding pie. I also enjoy spending quality time with my family and telling funny stories from holidays past.

Celebrated- to show joy over something
Abundant- to have more than enough of
Traditional- Something that stays the same
Delicious- Great tasting
Quality- things of good substance
*GRAMMAR POINT:  All holidays and countries should be capitalized as they are proper nouns.
Exercise: Write a paragraph post on a Traditional holiday of your culture. Be sure to tell us how you celebrate!

Mas Y Mas Amigos

HOLA STUDENTS!  Once again it’s Mr. B signing on once again.  As you can see I have been practicing my bilingual skills.  As the days go by I find that my skills have been increasingly progressing.  A buddy of mine, Teddy, has spoken to me about how he is trying to enhance his skills in speaking Spanish as well.  Teddy works at a deli and happens to work with a number of Spanish-speaking people.  One co-worker in particular has been trying to work with him every day and teach him at least one new term or phrase in Spanish.  He now has a daily routine where he is able to say hello and ask how someone is by speaking Spanish.  With my help and the help of his fellow co-workers, Teddy will undoubtedly be able to speak fluent Spanish in no time.  Hearing about Teddy’s co-worker teaching him Spanish makes me believe, as I always have, that everyone is a teacher and everyone is also a student as well.
Progressing- to continue to improve
Enhance- to make better
Co-worker- a person who works with you
Routine- Something that is done everyday
Undoubtedly- something that will happen
*GRAMMAR POINT: When using more than one adjective, be sure to separate them with commas.
Exercise: Matching Antonyms. Match the word that means the OPPOSITE.
1.       Progressing                       A. Sporadic
2.       Undoubtedly                     B. Costumer
3.       Routine                             C. Worsen
4.       Enhance                            D. Regressing
5.       Co-Worker                         E. Questionable

A Little Bit of Rugby Glory

Hello Students! As you may all by now I am a rugby player. I would like to share with you my most memorable moment playing this rough sport. This past weekend we took the field against our rivals SUNY Maritime. In past matches Maritime has been victorious but this time around my mates and I were focused on bringing home a victory. We played inspired rugby for a good amount of the match going blow for blow with our opponent. Late in the game we held what we thought would be a commanding lead. But Maritime was motivated to maintain their edge on us and mounted a comeback that saw them take the lead with nearly no time left in the match. With seconds left in the match my coach called upon me to take a penalty kick that would give us the win. I had struggled with my kicking all game but was convinced to not allow Maritime to have their day. I lined the kick up and struck it right through the posts, knowing my kick was true I never had to watch it through but turned around to embrace my teammates in celebration. It was my proudest moment in rugby to date and a memory I will cherish. For this reason I share this memory with you all that it may inspire you to achieve against all odds.
Victorious- To win
Rivals- Enemies
Commanding- To be superior
Motivated- Inspired to do something.
Cherish- to hold dear.
*GRAMMAR POINT: Be sure to CAPITALIZE all the first words in your sentences
Exercise: Matching Synonyms
1.       Rivals                                     A. Value
2.       Cherish                                 B. Enemies
3.       Motivated                           C. Winners
4.       Victorious                            D.  Enthused
5.       Commanding                     E. Impressive
rugby sport sports

Mi Amigo

Hello Students. Mr. B checking in again. This week I would like to tell you about my dear friend Paco. Paco is a fellow teammate of mine whose parents are both from Argentina. Paco grew up speaking Spanish at home. It wasn’t until early on in elementary school that he started to learn English. Today, if you spoke to Paco you would never imagine that English is his second language. I myself practice my Spanish speaking skills with Paco.  Sometimes we use it to communicate back and forth when we like to be sneaky and not have those around us know what we are talking about. Over the years Paco has commended me on the improvement of my skills in Spanish but I am still nowhere near the fluency he has. I hope to continue to improve however and one day have the courage to go on a trip to Argentina on my own and visit  all the places Paco has told me that are near and dear to his heart.
Imagine- To envision mentally
Sneaky- To stay undiscovered
Commended- To congratulate
Improve-  To make better
Courage- Inner strength
*GRAMMAR POINTS: Singular nouns take singular verbs; Plural nouns take plural verbs.
Exercise: Write a three sentence post about something you need courage to improve. I hope I will be commending you for making that change!

My MOST Embarrasing Moment

The most embarrassing moment of my life happened when I was a senior in high school. It was the last day of my senior year. That morning the entire class had gone to the beach to watch the sunrise. The frigid morning gave break to a magnificent daybreak. I thought my day could only get better, but I was wrong.

When I arrived at school, I brought my guitar to Spanish class. The class was going to have extra credit performance, and I was going to play my guitar. Although I was nervous, I had confidence in myself and knew I'd play well. After the bell rang, it was my turn to perform. I played exceptionally well, all things considered, but then I went back to my seat. As I stepped over my chair I heard a strange sound, "Rrrr-i-ppp!"

On my last day of school I ripped the entire backside of my pants. I was so embarrassed. Luckily, I was able to go to the nurse quickly to safety pin them back together. However, it was obvious that I had done a poor job putting my pants back together.

Frigid- Very cold
Magnificent- exceptionally beautiful
Confidence- Faith in oneself
Embarrassed-  the feeling of self-awareness after doing something silly.
Obvious- Something that is apparent.

*GRAMMAR POINT: When writing in the past, be sure that your

Exercise: Matching Antonyms

1.      Magnificent                 A. Scalding
2.      Confidence                 B. Proud
3.      Obvious                       C. Ugly
4.      Embarrassed                D. Timid
5.      Frigid                          E. Ambiguous

Happy Halloween!

"The witches are out, and they're flying about..." at this time of year! Happy Halloween class! At this time of year, as the seasons are changing, and the leaves are falling, and the cold is coming quickly. You may have noticed the jack-o-lanterns in windows and the creepy decorations that have been put up on homes. This American holiday is one for people who loved to get scared. A popular activity that children do on Halloween is trick-or-treating. This tradition consists of children dressing up in petrifying costumes, ringing doorbells on a quest for candy, and causing a bit of mischief with friends. As I have become more mature, I miss the days that I could be entertained by costumes and a brisk walk around the neighborhood with my friends. We didn’t cause too much mischief, but we always came home with a load of candy.

Jack-o-Lantern- A carved pumpkin with a light inside
Creepy- A skin tingling scare
Petrifying- Extremely scary
Quest- A journey
Mischief- Causing trouble

*GRAMMAR POINT: It is useful to use a THESAURUS when trying to find the right adjectives. Precision word use will help you express yourself more clearly.
Exercise: CLOZE
Halloween night is a                            for candy and fun. Beware of the                                     makers and you will have a fun night! The                                            in windows will light your way, as long as the decorations don’t                                              you. Have a fun, and                                                   night!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A New Year, A New Start

Hello Students! And welcome to this web log (also known as a "blog") which will be sure to help you with the new, and challenging vocabulary you will be exploring this year in my class. This year will be full of expectations. I believe that each and every one of you can learn this new language, and I will try my hardest to help you overcome the challenges that come with learning a new language. With that being said, I can relate to you as I am learning a new language, too! At the moment, I am studying the Italian language with one of my family members who have come to America to live with my family and I. No parle molto italiano. (I don't speak much Italian), but I can say that the encouragement from them have helped me get off to a fast start; I hope to do the same with this class, and I look forward to teaching and learning with you!


Expectations- Some things to look forward to

Overcome- To win

Challenge- To have difficulty

Relate- To understand one another

Encouragement- To inspire, or stimulate


In order to                   some difficult                      in this class, I must try my very hardest to use the English Language in class. I will use English so that other students in the school can                        to me. I will be able to share my own life experiences with them so that they can understand me better and I can receive their                            . These                             I have for myself will help me be successful.