With the Christmas season drawing nearer, I had a chance to attend the Trans-Siberian Orchestra show this week at the Nassau coliseum. Luckily my friend Paul had an extra ticket, so he invited me to share in the holiday celebrations. Before we got in the building, we could tell something special was going to happen. A plethora of people filled the parking lot before the show to ensure they were there early enough to get in for a short rehearsal. Unfortunately we were late, and were unable to see this rehearsal. Despite this, Paul and I quickly found the way to our seats, stumbling over peoples legs in the audience. When the show started we were instantly transported to a winter wonderland. The show was incredible; the acoustics traveled well in the Coliseum. The climax of the show was a grand crescendo that ended with a brief snowfall on the audience. It was a splendid time!
Orchestra- A large band consisting of many instruments and players
Plethora- An over abundance
Stumbling- To trip over
Acoustics- Sound waves
Climax- The most exciting moment
*GRAMMAR POINT: Be sure you need a comma before you use one. Comma splicing will make your writing choppy and unable to read fluidly.
Exercise: Matching Definitions
1. Orchestra A. The sounds given off by instruments.
2. Climax B. To lose your footing.
3. Acoustics C. To have more than enough of something.
4. Plethora D. A large band.
5. Stumbling E. The most exciting part.
I have heard a lot about them, but I have not seen them yet. I am glad you enjoyed them.